• I Know What I’m Going To Get

    Today's Adventure!

    Today’s Adventure!

    Adventures Of A Picky Eater is similar to a recipe.  There are two main ingredients that should primarily be calculated and measured with the occasional haphazard dash of spice or excitement.  Without the “eating” and the “food” Adventures Of A.P.E. would not exist.  Obviously, no human being could exist without eating food for nourishment purposes, but I’m trying to prove a point here.  To sound cliche, this is where the magic happens.  It’s important to choose your meals carefully as not to duplicate too soon.  This is especially true when it comes to taking photos.  No one wants to see six pictures in a row of various plates of spaghetti because you didn’t feel like going grocery shopping that week.  I know that if I had a cheeseburger last night for dinner, it is in mine, and my reader’s best interest to not eat or take a picture of another cheeseburger until at least three meals have passed.  This is a tricky concept for someone like me.  As an A.P.E. I don’t have much variety in my choice of cuisine and often rotate the same few meals.  I doubt anyone would find this interesting: “Read my blog!  It’s about eating grilled cheese, ice cream, and pasta.  Nothing else!”

    In order to make up for my lack of tastebud diversity, I engage in the second most important ingredient, the adventures.  Sometimes I feel like a lazy piece of shit and don’t want to leave my apartment.  I’d prefer to order in my food and stay in my pajamas.  For some reason, I don’t think that my ordering nachos for dinner is really that entertaining of a story for anyone. (If you would like to know more about how I order food, please send me an e-mail or write a comment.  I’d be more than happy to discuss the process)  Let’s be honest, everyone loves to talk about themselves.  That’s one of the key points of social interactions.  “If you don’t know what to say, ask the person questions about what they do?  What they like? Where they’re from? etc.”  We are all self-absorbed creatures by nature, so this is me embracing that!  The real story is in the adventure itself.  It is all about the quest to find something delicious.  Sometimes I plan out my adventures strategically, with a target destination in mind.  Other times I pick out a neighborhood to walk around in and see what kind of “yumminess” I can find.

    The recipe is really quite delicious.  Either plan or don’t plan to go on an adventure somewhere.  Then take some good looking pictures of the food you decide to eat.  Next, eat the food and finally, write about it.  Okay, I will admit I’ve made it sound a lot easier than it is.  I think that is because there is actually a third ingredient missing from this recipe, loving what you are doing.  I have so much fun going on my adventures and exploring new food places.  I might not be trying fancy foreign foods, but I sure as hell have eaten at a ton of ice cream shops throughout Manhattan!  The best part of the whole experiences is that when I go back to a place for the second time, I know what I’m going to get!

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2 Responsesso far.

  1. Shelly says:

    Another insightful and fun adventure!

  2. Ellen says:

    Love reading your posts!

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