• A Citronella Candle And Paperweight

    11226809_405160359671071_220858724_nYesterday, May 5th, was a big day in the food world.  Tacos, Burritos, Quesadillas, Oh My!  If you haven’t figured it out what I’m talking about yet, it was Cinco De Mayo!  Though I don’t like anything spicy, I am a big fan of Mexican food and ate Steak Fajitas for dinner.  With mild salsa of course.

    But I’m not here to talk to you about Cinco De Mayo.  I’m here to talk to you about May 5th, the day that I discovered Urban Space Garment District.  This is a food fair set up along Broadway in Midtown Manhattan offering food from over twenty vendors.  If you take a walk through the Urban Space Garment District, you’ll find everything from burgers to gelato to tacos to doughnuts.  I planned my route by starting at the top, at 41st street and walking/eating my way down.  The biggest issues I found was the crowds of people.  I hate huge crowds and walking around midtown on an 80 degree day in New York around 2pm is not exactly inconspicuous.  It seemed as though all of New York was on their lunch hour and exploring the same four block stretch.

    After a quick survey of the premises, my first stop was at Doughnuttery where I got 3 powdered sugar doughnuts and 3 vanilla glazed doughnuts with rainbow sprinkles.  I also got myself a lemonade.  I decided that it would be more “responsible” of me to eat something a bit more substantial for lunch, so I packed the doughnuts in my bag for later.  Next stop was Momofuku Milk Bar.  I picked up a blueberry and cream cookie.  Okay, so my substantial lunch idea wasn’t exactly going very well.  My last stop on the tour was Black Iron Burger.  Finally, a normal person’s lunch!  I ordered a cheeseburger and french fries and started looking for a spot to eat.  I’m not exactly an outdoorsy person and sitting outside to eat my lunch would not necessarily be my first choice.  But I sucked it up and found an unoccupied table in the park-like area on broadway between 37th and 38th streets.  Of course, it took me five years to get comfortable, between making sure the napkins didn’t blow away from the wind to swatting away little flies.  Once I was able to eat my food, I was happy!  Everything was delicious!  I plan on going back to each of those vendors and also trying a few others that I didn’t get around to before.  I think next time I will go a little more prepared though, with a Citronella candle and paperweight.

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2 Responsesso far.

  1. Ellen says:

    Doughnuts look amazing!!

  2. Nana says:

    I gotta get down there

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